Thursday, March 27, 2008

Laissez (un)Fair?

"oh you crazy kid- you got me"

The following is a quote cut and pasted off the white house web page.

"The market is now in the process of correcting itself, and delaying that correction would only prolong the problem. "

Wait, im a little confused- didn't the federal reserve just dole out 29 billion in tax dollars to keep Bear Stearns, and presumably our economy afloat? Oh yeh, I forgot- I can't trust the double speaking, orwellian phrasing, trickle down favoring, CEO's that make up the current American administration. So, if the market is in a self administered self correction smart guys, why the wall street bailout? Did watching a Laissez Fair economy all of a sudden get boring? How does Henry Paulson explain this socialist, pinko-tinged government interference in the marketplace?

(Uh oh, all you Ron Paulies- watch out, your long predicted socialist takeover is imminent)

How could a man who said in a march 16th ABC interview:

"I'm looking very carefully at any proposal (to solve the current problem). But all the ones I've seen, which call for much more government intervention, raise more problems and do more harm than they would do good," approve such a plan?

I dont have any answers, it just makes me scratch my head really, really hard.
Ill let Jesus H. Chris, one of my favorite, if sometimes hysterical, political lyricists, and lead singer of the band Propaghandi take a shot at it-

"Our cities seem to function quite the same: sweeping ghettos under one big rug makes them easier to contain, so the upper-middle class can sleep (or shop in peace) and convince themselves that "trickle-down" will solve this poverty. Yes, murderers walk our streets and their weapons are their pens, desks, policies and P.R. campaigns (fed by the spoils of war) against the "lazy, shiftless" populations of the poor."

How bout that for poetry? Makes Bob Dylan's "Masters of War" sound like a nursery rhyme.

Check out this article- explains my outrage and confusion much better.

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